Why using Company in Switzerland ?
Political instability in the clients domicile’ s countries can be a strong reason to keep some assets in Switzerland where, in the last 150 years, Stability has been thee better synonym to describe it. some facts: strikes are almost inexistent in Switzerland the division of powers (administration, legislation and especially the juridical power) is comparably high. The public educational system is among the best. besides that, the market order has also a strong legal framework, leaving enough place to individual entrepreneurship, complying with international rules against money laundering among others.
The economy of Switzerland is one of the world's most stable economies. Its policy of long-term monetary security and political stability has made Switzerland a safe haven for investors, creating an economy that is increasingly dependent on a steady tide of foreign investment . Because of the country's small size and high labor specialization, industry and trade are the keys to Switzerland's economic livelihood. Switzerland has achieved one of the highest per capita incomes in the world with low unemployment rates and a balanced budget. The service sector has also come to play a significant economic role.
It may be advantageous to establish a branch office instead of a subsidiary if the Swiss business operations are only of marginal significance or if the foreign company does not wish to fully capitalize its Swiss business operations. The credit standing of the Swiss branch office directly depends on the capitalization of the foreign company. Accordingly, branch offices may be established with a very thin capital base, or with only a minimum organization.
On the other hand, it may be advantageous to establish a company in Switzerland if the business operations are conducted on a larger scale. Also, a Swiss company is advantageous as compared to a branch office if the Swiss business operation should be completely separated from the foreign operations, so that a certain insulation of liability is possible. If a foreign company establishes a subsidiary in Switzerland dealings between the foreign company and the Swiss subsidiary must be effected at arms' length, however.
We consider ourselves a "hub" for clients who are looking for truly global services and who wish at the same time to reduce the involved contacts, keeping the paths between the different involved persons (bankers, accountants, lawyers, trustees ) as short as possible. Our fees are clear as we practice a transparent policy with generally flat amounts, reliable and comprehensible.
Our experts have different professional backgrounds from private banks, law firms and fiduciaries and are able to assist you in English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.
Confidentiality and discretion are key elements for our activity. Our Swiss domicile and the legal provisions applying to our services guarantee you the same level of confidentiality which you may normally only expect from a Swiss private bank.